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sangat giat bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "sangat giat"
  • sangat:    dearly; deeply; ever so; exceedingly; extreme;
  • giat:    active; crispy; energetic; full of beans; keen;
  • giat:    active; crispy; energetic; full of beans; keen; on the go; positive; pushful; spry; zealous; nimble; yare; quick; zeal; participating; assiduous; elan; avid; fluttersome; improving; physical; dilige
  • bekerja giat:    peg at; peg away; pegged at; pegged away; pegging at; pegging away; work away; worked away; working away
  • giat bekerja:    up and doing
  • ikut giat:    keep one’s end up
  • tidak giat:    inaction; inactive; negative; on the self
  • sangat:    dearly; deeply; ever so; exceedingly; extreme; extremely; greatly; head over heels; highly; importantly; madly; molte; only too; overly; preciously; profoundly; so; sorely; terribly; terrifically; t
  • bekerja dengan giat:    walk like a beaver; walked like a beaver; walking like a beaver
  • belajar giat dan lama:    grind away; grinded away; grinding away; ground away
  • giat dan sungguh-sungguh:    actively; intensive
  • keadaan tidak giat:    inaction; inactivity
  • membuat tidak giat:    passified
  • mempelajari . dengan giat:    mug up
  • orang yang giat berusaha:    hustler
  • It has to be awfully enterprising, willing to adapt
    Itu harus sangat giat, bersedia untuk beradaptasi
  • He's a real go-getter, that one.
    untuk yang satu itu, dia orang yang sangat giat.
  • He's a very enterprising soul is... is Mr. Fallon.
    Dia orang yang sangat giat dia adalah ... Mr Fallon.
  • I have worked with effort on it since I built the foundation.
    Aku bekerja sangat giat demi mendirikan yayasan ini.
  • But she's very keen to learn.
    Tapi dia sangat giat untuk mempelajarinya.
  • You're such a good hustler.
    Kau tipe orang yang sangat giat.
  • It's good. Um... It's intense.
    Baik, aku sangat giat menjalankannya.
  • S0 if you're not going to college, then why do you study so much?
    Jadi jika kau tidak pergi kuliah, lalu mengapa kau sangat giat belajar?
  • Now I thought that it was because I have this totally compelling helmet crusade, right, this epiphany of Tom's.
    Saya berpikir itu adalah karena saya berkampanye sangat giat tentang helm, benar, itu pencerahan bagi Tom.
  • Keating explicitly calls them "goddesses", but medieval Irish tradition was keen to remove all trace of pre-Christian religion.
    Keating secara eksplisit menyebut mereka "dewi", tetapi tradisi abad pertengahan Irlandia sangat giat menghapus semua jejak pra-Kristen.
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